Wednesday 28 March 2012

Mach 27

Lots has been happening here, I've been pain free since saturday & that in itself is really exciting I'm very Thankful.
My mum has had another small stroke but home & doing well.
Jelly decided to see if there was anything exciting on the table!!!!

Then i found a visitor in my room.
I decided to take some photos with the macro lens i bought for my iPhone, i was impressed with the pics i must say i was shaking:) 
When hubby came home he relocated Mr Spider to the tree out the front.

Have a wonderful day!
Gab xxx


  1. OH MY GOD. If I found that in my house, I would have to be institutionalized . . . like, for years. Where on earth do you live!? What kind of spider is that? That is, basically, my worst nightmare realized! Spiders are, absurdly, my second greatest fear . . .

    On another note, glad to hear you are pain-free and Jelly is just the cutest :)

    1. Georgia he isn't as big as he looks!
      Although he was a bit scary.
      It is a Huntsman & they can bite but are really timid & just run away. I live in the suburbs in Sydney australia.
      I'm not really scared but I had to get really close & that unnerved me a little. I took some with another lense & they were closer, I put them on instagram they were scary!

  2. Glad you and your mom are both doing better!

    That spider does look freaky with the macro lens- I like spiders for the most part though.

  3. Thanks Nicole!
    i took some closer ones which were really awesome.
